Thursday, February 19, 2009

What is ONE thing...

You've always wanted to do and STILL hope to do before you die? Morbid, right? Yeah, a little bit but I deal with 12 year olds all day so I sometimes have to fight off the horrible, random thoughts that pop into my head (keeps me sane...or something...)I think everyone should have their own "Bucket List"....

One thing I've always wanted to do and would really really really like to do in the near future is write a book....I'm not talking Nora Roberts smut-style or create an uber-literary empire a la JK Rowling (although how f-ing awesome would THAT be???) But Vince and I have actually talked about writing a children's book together, we've even kind of come up with a little series. AND recently my sister and I are talking about delving into the world of writing together....I sure hope it can happen, but like anything BIG, how the hell do you start??? We're not even sure WHERE to start, WHAT to do first, WHO to talk to, etc...but I hope that doesn't stop us!

So, what is on YOUR bucket list that you honestly think you will accomplish? (and if you know anyone in the publishing world let me

Super fun!

A friend on babycenter directed me to this super fun site where you can customize a cutesy background for your blog....I may be changing it damn near every day now, cuz I've got so much free time on my hands!!!  If you've got a blog, go check it out:   The Cutest Blog on the Block

Monday, February 16, 2009

So is it a BAD thing???

That we had a cleaning lady come today?  I mean, I do a pretty decent job of keeping things relatively-semi-kind of-partially-for the most part cleaned up so paying someone who is WILLING to scrub my toilets and vacuum Goldfish crackers out of my couch is acceptable RIGHT?  I mean, honestly...who can manage to keep their house "welcome to my spotless-eat off of my toilet seat-take your f-ing shoes off or I'll kick your ass" kind of clean ALL THE TIME???  Shit ain't happenin' at my house.  Dishes are done, everyone has clean clothes, everything has it's place...that's MORE than acceptable as far as I'm concerned...ok, so the fact that everything has it's place doesn't mean it always FINDS it's way there but I'm not perfect dammit...

So come on over to my house, you can keep your shoes on and I won't kick your ass (Vince might though) and you may trip over a pair of shoes or a stray toy but I'll keep you entertained and I may even feed you (although I don't recommend eating off of my toilet seats...)

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

System went to crap....

So Vince is out of town for the next two weeks and that means I'm 100% on my own with the three kids (and everything else I normally do)  Well, last night's dinner consisted of cereal, yesterday's laundry is in a pile (an UNFOLDED pile) in the middle of the loft, beds were left unmade, Lord knows what shitstorm hit my kitchen this morning in my rush to get all 3 out the door by I'm off to a stellar start at attempting to do everything on my own for the next 2 weeks....

Hopefully I'll have a better report tomorrow, I'm just so tired that I know I'm going to want to ignore it all when I get home tonight but all that will do is create MORE work for the next day and the next day...etc...anyone have any good tips for motivating oneself at the end of an exhausting day to do your "other" job????